Privacy Policy

Bioassay Sciences does not engage in the collection, sharing, selling or redistribution of any personal information. All personal information sent to us through the contact form or any other communication channel is only for the purpose of getting in touch with our potential clients. All contact information you share with us will always remain confidential.

Our website does use third-party vendors for the purposes of reaching a wider network of clients. Namely, we implement Google Analytics and Google Ads in order to market our products more effectively to a wider audience. Services such as Google Signal only apply to users who have opted-in for custom advertising personalization through Google’s services. These services use cookies for tracking and identification.

If you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, you may do so by using the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

To please refer to this page to control the kinds of ads you see from Google, which includes the option to turn off personalized ads entirely.

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